Multiplicity of Blackness

Black Space

My work is an exploration of sankofic continuity, delving into Blackness as both space and site. My practice seeks to reconstruct and deconstruct these sites by way of reclaiming them for historical erasure and cultivating new narratives. I aim to create a dialogue that speaks to the Black diaspora’s rich tapestry of history, culture, traditions and lived experience. In my practice I delve into themes of repetition, variation, pairing, deconstruction and reconstruction. The intention is to interrogate and redefine the essence of Black Space, challenging conventional perceptions by engaging a diverse array of materials ranging from sourced objects and textiles to photographs.

My discipline focuses on eclectic bodies of work including paintings, sculptures, installations, and collages. I build dialogues between my work and the viewer through the interplay of pattern, contrast, and graphic forms. The purpose of my work is to reflect the concept of potential within any given system actualizing specific subsets or points to reveal new dimensions and possibilities within that space. Ultimately providing a portal into dialogue between the work and the viewer.